Superwoman Exclusive


Dripples Cakes is a well known name in the Nigerian Cake industry and SuperWoman was privileged to interview the face behind this name. Enjoy our interview with the Creative Director of Dripples – Okene Tare-ela Vicky.Please Tell us about yourself

My name is Okene Tare-ela Vicky. Creative Director of Dripples Cakes. I’m a baker and sugar artist. I love to create things out of sugar and fondant. I’m a mother of four, fun person to be with, very easy to understand and I mingle with everyone.

Dripples Cakes is a well known name in Nigerian Baking industry.

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At what point did you decide to become a Cake Artist?

Well, it all happened when I had an encounter with the most beautiful cake I had ever seen at that time. I traveled to Uyo for a wedding and it was raining so the baker had to hurriedly carry her cake into the room where we were with the bride. That was when it happen. That was when I saw a cake designed like a palm wine for the first time. I had never seen a cake like that so because of the artistic nature of the cake I developed a desire to learn cake artistry.

I met the lady who baked it and she decided to take me into her kitchen and taught me the ABC of cake baking. I’m speaking of my mentor Gift Nwankwo the owner of Swit Memories cake.




Dripples Cakes® is an exquisite cake company with excellent quality controls and we pay attention to every
detail,our success is built on the strategy of timeliness and excellent services.
Dripples Cakes® is owned and managed by by a Nigerian and is known as a major cake producing company in Nigeria.

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